The Document Object Model (DOM)

This is a simplified view of the Document Object Model (DOM). Each box represents an object in the DOM tree structure. There are additional objects in the DOM that are not listed here. I hope to add them to an expanded image later.

The Document Object Model (DOM)

The Document Object Model (DOM)

4 responses to “The Document Object Model (DOM)

  1. Pingback: Advancing your Web Site: Tackling the Joys and Jitters of Javascript « DanielSmithDesigns Weblog

  2. Pingback: Club AJAX | JavaScript – It’s a Real Language!

  3. Your image of the DOM is incorrect. What you’ve actually pictured is the Browser Object Model or the BOM

  4. You know, I think you’re correct. This was posted a long time ago when I was first learning about these things. Either way, it’s ancient history as far as the Internet goes. It’s quite out of date now.

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